Know of any other boot fairs in Medway or
Kent? If so, let us know by either by
using our contact form,
Twitter or
Facebook pages! If you’re looking for a guide on things you need when selling at boot fairs,
we have created one here.
Boot fairs elsewhere in Kent (click on the links below to be taken to the boot fair’s website)
Longfield Road Boot Fair
Addington Boot Fair
Hythe Boot Fair
Sellindge Boot Fair
Canterbury, Herne Bay and Whitstable boot fairs
Boot fair at The Hop Farm
Why People Love Going to Boot Fairs
People love boot fairs for a number of reasons such as them being a way for people to get rid of things that they no longer want or need and getting some money for them, especially if the alternative was for them to get rid of these items was to give them away for free.
Another reason that people like going to boot fairs is that they are a great place to buy things that you want for a low price. Boot fairs are probably the place to find things at their cheapest, even cheaper than buying second hand items online from websites such as eBay and Gumtree. The culture of haggling at boot fairs also aids in the ability to get things cheaper than anywhere else as is the random nature of them as you may stumble across something that no-one else has seen but when people look for specific items online they can type in a search for them.
Boot fairs are also a social occasion. Many people both buy and sell at boot fairs each week and will get to know the familiar faces. They may also buy from the same stalls each week as some people treat boot fairs as at least a bit of side income so may get new stock to sell each week.
How to Prepare
There are things that you need to take with you no matter whether you’re planning to either go there as a seller or a buyer.
Protect Yourself from the Rain
For example, the weather can turn quickly so you need to be prepared for it to rain when you’re there so make sure that you take an umbrella,
jacket, hat and some boot for muddy fields. Even if you don’t want to carry them around with you make sure that you keep these things in your car.
Carrier Bags
It’s worth also taking carrier bags with you as, if you’re going as a buyer, remember that sellers may not have many carrier bags to hand out or they may have run out. If you’re buying bigger items you can carry them around the boot fair and back to your car easily and they will also be protected should it rain.
Take a Decent Amount of Change
Sellers may also run out of change or have very little of it so if you have pay the exact amount for an item you will be a seller’s dream! They may even be prepared to give you an extra discount on something if you can pay the exact amount as it means that they have more change in their float. You will also need something to store this change in such as a
decent wallet,
bag or
change belt.